Jane Doe, et al. v. MasterCorp, Inc.
Colombian Housekeeper Settlement
Case No. 1:24-cv-00678

Welcome to the Colombian Housekeeper Settlement Website

Colombians who provided housekeeping services at U.S. resorts through MasterCorp may qualify for a payment in a $4.95 million USD class action settlement.

File A Claim

A proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit called Jane Doe, et al. v. MasterCorp, Inc. Case No. 1:24-cv-00678 (E.D. Va.) (the “Settlement”). The Settlement  is between Jane Doe, John Doe 1, and John Doe 2 (collectively “Plaintiffs”), on behalf of the proposed Settlement Class, and MasterCorp., Inc. (“MasterCorp” or “Defendant”).

You are a Settlement Class Member if:

  • You are a Colombian National or of Colombian origin;
  • You were paid by Perennial Pete, LLC or one of its affiliated entities or companies, including SM Cleaning Solutions Inc.; WD Cleaning Solutions Inc.; DM Cleaning Solutions Inc.; JM Cleaning Solutions Inc.; EV Cleaning Solutions Inc.; EM Cleaning Services and Solutions Inc.; SD Cleaning Services and Solutions Inc.; and
  • You provided housekeeping services at resorts in the United States where MasterCorp was responsible for housekeeping between March 19, 2021 and May 15, 2024.

Plaintiffs claim that MasterCorp subjected Settlement Class Members to unfair and unlawful practices. These included working Settlement Class Members for long hours without overtime pay, and immigration-related wrongful conduct that made Settlement Class Members feel vulnerable. MasterCorp denies it has committed any wrongdoing or violated any state or federal law. The Court has not decided who is right or wrong. Instead, the parties have agreed to the Settlement to avoid the risks, uncertainty, expense, and burden of litigation.

If the Settlement is approved by the Court, MasterCorp will pay $4,950,000 in U.S. dollars. After deducting costs associated with attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs to Class Counsel, service awards to Plaintiffs, settlement administration and notice costs to the Settlement Administrator, and any applicable taxes, the funds are available to Settlement Class Members who submit timely Claim Forms. Any remaining funds will be distributed to St. Jude, for undocumented-immigrant-related services.

If you are a Settlement Class Member, your legal rights are affected whether or not you act. Please review the Notice on the Important Documents page and read it carefully.

  • Receive a payment
  • Be bound by the Settlement
  • Give up your individual right to sue or continue to sue MasterCorp for the claims in this case
Submit online or postmarked by
November 01, 2024
  • Remove yourself from the Settlement Class and receive no payment
  • Keep your individual right to sue or continue to sue MasterCorp for the claims in this case
Postmarked by
November 01, 2024
  • Tell the Court what you do not like about the Settlement ― You will still be bound by the Settlement, and you may still file a claim
Postmarked by
November 01, 2024
  • Ask to speak in Court about the Settlement ― If you want your own attorney to represent you, you must pay for him or her yourself
  • File your Notice of Intent to Appear by November 01, 2024
November 22, 2024
  • Receive no payment
  • Give up your right to sue or continue to sue MasterCorp for the claims in this case


These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained on this website, and in the Notice available on the Important Documents page. The deadlines may be moved, canceled, or otherwise modified, so please check this website regularly for updates and further details.

The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement. Payments will be made after the Court approves the Settlement. Please be patient.

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Visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information.

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Colombian Housekeeper Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91308
Seattle, WA 98111